Welcome to Customer Verbatim which has finally shipped in the Windows Store. If you don’t have a copy yet then download it now from the Windows Store.
I have decided to make it free because this was just an experiment in creating a UWP application for Dynamics 365 and getting it into the store. I did have some fun creating a Modern Responsive CSS website and enjoyed playing with the graphics in my attempt at a brand. If you do find any issues with the app please send email to admin@customerverbatim.com and I will see if I can get them fixed. I have some ideas for version 3 and depending on usage I will try and get a way to have them voted up.
I think the big limitation for an application accessing Dynamics 365 CRM making it mainstream is the client id which needs to be created by a global admin. I am all for security and all, but if a browser can access the Web API without a second key then why does an application need one? Therefore, the next experiment will be to see if this application can be built into a Power App inside of the CRM sandbox. The view and data will already be available and a plug-in can do the heavy lifting for the text analytics. It will just be a matter of getting a canvas app to display the output properly.
I hope you enjoy the app and if so use the link in the App Info pane to give it 5 stars!!!